1.《企业社会责任感知对员工态度和行为影响研究》. 北京:经济管理出版社, 2019.
2.《人力资源管理》. 北京:经济管理出版社, 2021. 参编
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3.Wang, Y., Xu, S., Wang, Y. The Consequences of Employees’ Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Analysis, Business Ethics: A European Review. 2020, 29(3), 471-496. SSCI收录, Q1.
4.Xu, S., Wang, Y.*, Mu, R., Jin, J., and Gao, F.* The Effects of Work–family Interface on Domain-specific Satisfaction and Well-being across Nations: The Moderating Effects of Individualistic Culture and Economic Development. PsyCh Journal. 2018, 7(4), 248-267. SSCI收录, Q4.
5.Xu, S., Wang, Y.*, Jin, J. Do Employees Actually Intend to Turnover When Betrayed: Evidence from China and the U.S. Nankai Business Review International. 2018, 9(2), 179-198. ESCI收录.
6.Xiao, H., Wang, Y., Li, W., Ma Z. Intellectual Structure of Research in Business Ethics: A Citation and Co-citation Analysis on Business Ethics Quarterly. Nankai Business Review International. 2017, 8(1), 100-120. ESCI收录.
7.Wang, Y., Xu, S., Zhou, Q., Tian, S. The Impact of Employees’Perceived Internal and External Corporate Social Responsibility on Innovative Behavior. 2018 China Marketing International Conference (CMIC). CPCI 收录.
8.Wang, Y. Perception of CSR and Its Consequences: A literature Review. 3rd International Conference on Judicial, Administrative and Humanitarian Problems of State Structures and Economic Subjects (JAHP, 2018).
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10.Wang, Y., The Impact of Corruption in Host Countries on the Entry Mode Selection for MNEs _ A literature Review, 2016 China Marketing International Conference (CMIC). CPCI 收录.
11.Ma, Z. Wang, Y. Cultural Distance, Host Country Corruption, and the Choice of Entry Mode Strategy for Emerging Market Firms: An Explorative Study. 2015 Odette School of Business Sustainability Symposium.
12.Ma, Z., Cheng, C., Wang, Y. Innovation for Sustainability: Antecedents to China's Long-term Plan on Science and Technology Success, 2015, 43rd Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC).
2.云南财经大学科学引进人才项目,“员工资质过度感知的双刃剑效应研究——基于相对剥夺和自我验证视角”,项目编号:80059900288, 2021/1-2022/12,8万元,主持,在研。
3.云南财经大学科学研究基金项目,“云南省旅游企业员工亲组织不道德行为形成机制研究”,项目编号:2019B03, 2019/11-2021/11,1万元,主持,在研。
10.2014 年度成都市科技项目,“科技金融与科技创新的发展与耦合——成都的种子期企业协同创新研究”,立项编号:2014-RK00-00135-ZF,2014/12-2015/12,5万元,已结题,参与。
11.2014 年度成都市科技项目,“智慧城市的智慧医疗——基于物联网技术的智能社区医疗服务研究”,立项编号:2014-RK00-00121-ZF,2014/12-2015/12,5万元,已结题,参与。